Thursday, December 17

Oil as Oil

Consider a candle; a wick and fat. A simple invention that burns concentrated energy stores, once animal fats, to provide the revolutionary translation of light. The insatiable desire to consume scarce energies and fats for which our evolution has attuned us, also translates into the macrosmal need for civilization to consume the earth's fats, it's oil, in the name of expansion, satisfaction. American led consumption and materialism, the hallmarks of our culture, declares us a fast food civilizaton, low on nutrients, high in fat, rendering immediate satisfactions prone to cultural opportunism that checks our famed freedom.

So goes the simple grace of a candle under the metaphor of quite possibly the most significant evolutionary event for homo sapiens since the advent of consciousness.

Our survival hangs in the balance as statesmen beholden to the tenants of materialism bid on the highest ground. We have the Rainbow, but not enough cheap lumber to purchase on debt to build an ark. The Rainbow may've been more a promissory bridge to an afterlife, if you believe that kind of thing.

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